[Solved] No Wifi Adapter Found problem on Ubuntu 18.04 (Acer Aspire E15.)
Today I am here to share my experience of wifi adapter not found problem that I faced after installation of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on Acer Aspire E15.

I had been facing the problem very long and used wireless USB adapter to connect to the internet but did not find it very much helpful every where .
I am going to share 3 different methods that I tried to fix that could possibly fix your problem too .
# Trial 1
First, try to connect with the wired Internet connection (or you can use Mobile Tethering) and use the following commands to install missing Wi-Fi drivers.
Clone the repository (use your Terminal):
git clone https://github.com/lwfinger/rtlwifi_new.git
Enter the cloned folder:
cd rtlwifi_new
Check out the extended branch:
git checkout extended
Start installation:
sudo make install
sudo modprobe -r rtl8723de
sudo modprobe rtl8723de
That’s it! You have now successfully installed the RTL8723de Wi-Fi driver on your Ubuntu 18.04 system. This repo also contains the driver for RTL8723be and much more RealTek devices.
Now check your Wifi , if it is fixed.
If that doesn’t work just go and do this:
sudo apt purge bcmwl-kernel-source
sudo sed -i ‘/blacklist bcma/ d’ /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
sudo sed -i ‘/blacklist brcmsmac/ d’ /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
Reboot your laptop .
If Still wifi does not come on, do:
sudo modprobe -v brcmsmac
sudo modprobe -v bcma
Till now most of yours problem might be solved .
If not lets move to the next method.
# Trail 2
If the first method did not work for you then go for it .
Before starting, don’t forget to connect to Ethernet.
Step 1: Run the following command
sudo apt remove bcmwl-kernel-source && sudo apt install git dkms
git clone -b extended https://github.com/lwfinger/rtlwifi_n...
sudo dkms add ./rtlwifi_new
sudo dkms install rtlwifi-new/0.6
Step 2: After running above commands Reboot your system.
Step 3: (optional) If you notice a weak signal try:
sudo modprobe -r rtl8723de && sleep 5 && sudo modprobe rtl8723de ant_sel=1
and see if it is better, if not do
sudo modprobe -r rtl8723de && sleep 5 && sudo modprobe rtl8723de ant_sel=2
Step 4: And then run following command so that you won’t have to run above command every time you boot your system
echo “options rtl8723de ant_sel=X” | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8723de.conf
Replace X with whatever setting worked best. For me, X was 2
# Trail 3
By this time if you are worried for not fixing the problem don’t panic , I was able to fix my problem with this very magical method .I hope you will too be able to fix with this method. Let’s dive into the saviour method .
- clone the repository (use terminal):
git clone https://github.com/Jaber1230/tomaspinho-rtl8821ce.git
2.Goto the cloned directory and extract the zip:
cd tomaspinho-rtl8821ce/trl8821ce-master
3.Make the file executable by the following command:
(At first install dkms Dynamic Kernel Module Support (DKMS) by the command :
sudo apt-get install dkms)
sudo chmod +x dkms-install.sh
sudo chmod +x dkms-remove.sh
4. Execute the following command to see the magic :)
sudo ./dkms-install.sh
5.after installation completes reboot the system .
I hope by now your problem has been solved by any of these methods . Let us know which method worked for you in the comment section .
Enjoy Surfing Internet :) Thank You .